An ancient forest discovered at the bottom of a massive sinkhole in China may be home to species that science has not yet documented. Awesome, right? There are 130 ft tall trees, as a part of an interesting geological landscape.

Unknown Species & Vegetation
The sinkhole is incredibly deep and seriously unexplored, suggesting that there may be stuff down there that only exist there and people have never seen before. Sure, it could be a new species of eyeless spider rather than a Bigfoot-type creature, but you never know until you get in there and investigate.

In 2022, cave explorers discovered the location and then informed scientists of their discovery. Sinkholes are abundant in the Guangxi region of southern China, where they found a whole load of them. However, this sinkhole is the largest one of the 30 in Leye County, measuring 255 ft in length, 12 ft in width, and a staggering 160 ft in depth. Intriguingly, it has a gap at the summit that allows light to enter, allowing the primitive forest to flourish.
What Scientists Share About the Sinkhole
Zhang Yuanhai of the Chinese Geological Survey’s Institute of Karst Geology told state media that there were three caves and a well-preserved ancient forest at the bottom of the sinkhole. Chen Lixin, who led the expedition to the bottom of the hole, reported that in addition to the trees, there was dense shoulder-high undergrowth at the bottom. He said that he wouldn’t be surprised to learn that these caves contain species that have never been reported or described by science.
How Do These Sinkholes Happen?
The landscape type responsible for the formation of sinkholes is known as a karst landscape, which is primarily formed by the dissolution of bedrock by groundwater. This means that sinkholes and caves are formed when water erodes or dissolves bedrock, predominantly limestone.

There are countless caverns and sinkholes in this area. However, this sinkhole is particularly interesting because it allows light to enter. This means that it can support the growth of large trees and other types of vegetation, from which scientists expect to learn something new. Scientists will keep observing so that they can determine what eventually emerges from this strange sunken world.
Perhaps Bigfoot will stumble out of there after all!