A Man Spent $14,000 on a Human Border Collie Costume—But Dogs Won’t Play With Him

A Man Spent $14,000 On a Human Border Collie Costume—But Dogs Won’t Play With Him

A Japanese man has spent $14,000 to dress like a border collie but was disappointed to find that real dogs don’t want to play with him. The man in this story is Toco-san, and he has a unique hobby—going out in his dog costume.

A Human in a Border Collie Costume

While Toco-san would only wear his dog costume at home, he recently decided to start visiting the park where he could meet with dogs. This brought him much attention online, and that is no wonder after he spent so much time on his costume.

A Human in a Border Collie Costume

However, the dogs in the park didn’t seem to be very impressed. We don’t know why.

Toco Seeks a Fellow Therian

Toco made his costume a border collie because dogs of that breed grew big enough that a costume of it would fit a human. In his words, he chose a Collie because it looked real when he put the costume on. He thought that the best way to go about his project was to pick a big animal that grows close to his size. This way, he could make a realistic model.

With many people considering this hobby to be very strange, there were many negative comments online. However, Toco said he just loved animals and wanted to enjoy playing and acting like a dog. For now, he remains undiscouraged and says he will go on with his hobby. Again, we don’t know why.