French Baguettes
We would love to know what the brief was for this particular style. Clearly meant to be French-inspired, this store employee tied baguettes to the mannequin’s heads to give them a classic French theme. However, there are other ways this particular theme could have been captured.

Although, maybe the employee was slightly hard of hearing and heard “baguette” instead of a “beret.” Nonetheless, this is how it turned out. Odd, but somehow it strangely just works.
Businessmen Just Wanna Have Fun
We all know that mannequins can be arranged in just about any position, but these mannequins spotted at a store in Japan take the cake with their weird rockstar poses. We’re sure they had many customers scratching their heads in confusion.

The clothes, however, look great, and that is, after all, the main purpose of using mannequins in a store. It certainly is a memorable display, we will give them that.
Talk Dirty to Me
Causing much confusion, this pair of mannequins will have you scratching your head as you wonder why they are put together like this. Are they sharing a secret? Or is this a private moment between lovers?

Whatever is going on here, we hope that they are happy and that they are actually in storage and not on the shop floor on display. This could lead to some awkward questions.
The Thinking Man
What better way to advertise a relaxed yet attractive outfit than by having your mannequin do the thinking man pose? This is a great example of how to display a natural, laid-back look.

Honestly, though, this mannequin just looks like he’s trying to remember if he has left the oven on at home. Truly pondering life’s biggest mysteries!
Got Doubts
One can’t help but wonder what has made this bride so sad. Cold feet? Possibly a runaway bride contemplating her actions?

While a bride’s wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of her life, store employees used a miserable-looking woman to display a wedding dress in the window of their store. Kind of sends the wrong message, doesn’t it?
The Unhappy Kid
This poos lass is not too happy about her outfit, and that sad face might just put you off buying it, too. The poor thing looks like it needs a hug.

Mannequins, especially those made for children’s clothes, should be happy and cheerful as they show off a store’s range of kids’ clothes. Seems this store decided to adopt a different approach entirely.
Tone Down the Excitement!
Have you ever been so excited about a jacket that you grin from ear to ear? While a bit spooky, this mannequin is great for advertising this store’s wares with its large grin and exciting look.

Still, though, you wouldn’t want to get too close to this little guy — you might just get a fright. And need we point out that this mannequin is for children’s clothes? Creepy!
Nightmare Child
A traveler captured this haunting picture of mannequins in a Romanian store. What on earth possessed the store owner to use this to display children’s clothing?

Rather than focusing on the clothes on the mannequins, customers can’t help but stare at these scary faces instead. It could be a cultural thing, as it’s definitely not something we are used to seeing.
Headless Children at Gap
One would expect to see happy faces displaying these colorful outfits. But, that’s not the case at the Gap store, where they apparently decided to use headless mannequins to show off their kid’s clothes.

We know the focus should be on the clothing and not the mannequin, but it’s kind of hard to get the full effect when there is no head. Perhaps the Gap can use some of their profits to spring for a whole mannequin next time, not just the bodies.
Crocodiles and Mannequins
Is Crocodile Dundee’s animal friend moonlighting at this clothing store? This has to be one of the strangest mannequins we’ve seen so far, and that’s definitely saying something.

We can’t imagine what this employee was thinking using a crocodile’s skull on the body of a mannequin, but whatever it was, we have to give them points for creativity. What do you think — would you shop here?
Finally, a lingerie mannequin that women worldwide can relate to! Thongs are considered sexy but can be rather uncomfortable to wear, as this mannequin in a lingerie store shows.

At the same time, we don’t blame the store employee for having some fun while dressing their display. We can assume that management will not be too happy when they see this embarrassing pose, though.
Scariest Mannequin EVER!
Judging from the mannequins this store uses to display their clothes, we highly doubt that they actually have any customers! Imagine turning around from looking at a rack to see this frightful being staring back at you!

Looking more like a scary little goblin than a small child, this mannequin is the stuff that nightmares are made of as it stares back at you with that creepy grin.
Super Model
We all know that models regularly use different poses when showing off a designer’s clothes. But, never have we seen a model strike this specific pose!

Surely store employees are pulling a prank? Thankfully the boy in the photo sees the funnier side of things as he tries to match the mannequin’s odd posture. Can you bend your body like that?
Introducing: Swan-Lady
This look is going to be rather hard to pull off, considering that you need a swan’s head to complete the outfit. Since this is another impossible beauty standard for women to follow, we think we’ll skip it.

But, in all seriousness, we have no idea what the designer was envisioning when they made this monstrosity, or what the store owner was thinking when they decided to display it in their store.
Hanging Out
We guess the store employee should have given the mannequin a once-over to check that all the important bits were put together properly before they walked away.

Thanks, Target! It’s good to know that you cater to all beings in the universe, whether they are mutants with stretchy limbs or just unusually long-limbed men that need a smart shirt for a special occasion.
Give Me Hand
Modern, innovative, creepy, or just downright odd. Which word would you use to explain these hand mannequins? While we don’t exactly hate it, we feel it would work better in a funky clothing store for teens rather than a store selling delicates.

It certainly does stand out, even though it doesn’t quite make sense with what this store is trying to sell. This store deserves an A for effort. But, that’s really all we can say about it.
So Hyped!
Finding a great outfit in your size at the store is certainly a reason to celebrate. This mannequin is certainly overjoyed to be rocking a suit that seems like it was made just for him.

He is ready for anything with his excited look and go-get-’em attitude. We can only hope that anyone who buys this suit will feel the same level of excitement from it.
Tattoos on a Mannequin?
It’s not every day that you see a tattooed mannequin! But, here she is in all her glory, with a few butterfly tattoos on her legs. They matched her outfit perfectly and gave her an amazing bad girl vibe.

It certainly does leave us wondering why more mannequins don’t have tattoos, especially those that sell clothes made for the younger market.
If Monday Was a Mannequin
The slumped shoulders and complete look of disdain on the face of this mannequin are something we can all relate to.

Typically felt at the beginning of another exhausting week, this mannequin seems to have the Monday blues despite looking so good in her well-put-together outfit. One can only hope that her day gets better from here.
Under the Stairs
This varsity student was surprised to find a mannequin underneath his university’s stairs. So, he did what every other person would do and took a photo to share with the rest of the world.

The photo is, of course, flipped, which gives it an optical illusion look that will have you trying to figure out which way is up. Thank you, kind Sir, for sharing this gem with us. It definitely made us look twice.
Spot the Human
Ah, nothing beats a game of spotting the human at your local clothing boutique. This guy’s friend blends in well with the mannequins as he shares the same bald-headed look and natural pose.

This could be quite a handy trait to have when trying to hide from someone you know in an effort to avoid a lengthy conversation. Can you spot him?
What Are You Looking At?
What could these three possibly be looking at? Honestly, they kind of look like a super model gang on their way to strike a creepy pose on the runway.

What Are You Looking At?This odd display of mannequins wins first prize for making us extremely uncomfortable and just a little bit judged. But, they seem to be vibing with it, so to each their own.
Junk in the Trunk
When it comes to choosing workout clothes, the stretch of the fabric is an extremely important element to take into account. After all, you need clothes that will easily move with you as you exercise.

This mannequin with its massive booty and ripped thighs is definitely showing off just how stretchy these tights are. That’s certainly one way to sell these clothes.
This store took its window displays to a whole new level with this strange combo. While the question of whether the store employee should be fired or not is still up for debate, the display is eye-catching and a definite conversation starter.

Perhaps next time, the store owners could purchase the torso and arms to complete the mannequin. We can’t imagine when this setup would ever be relevant…
When Mannequins Are Honest
Human bodies come in all shapes and sizes — and that includes the beloved dad bod. Shopping for this body type can be tricky as you try to visualize how the shirt will hang on those who have a little extra in the waist region.

Kudos to this store for showing customers what their clothing would look like on a more realistic body type. We love that this sweet guy is just hanging in the department store and making everyone feel comfortable being there.
Body Swap Gone Wrong
It seems that whoever is responsible for putting the mannequins together was half asleep when they came up with this look.

With the head and arms of a male doll and the torso of a female mannequin, we’re not too sure what they were trying to achieve. But, we hope that it was just someone having a bad day and that this is not how the mannequins are made to look.
A Case of Mistaken Identity
This poor little boy mistook a store mannequin for his mother as he sweetly grabbed her hand for safety. You can almost hear customers laughing at the poor little lad as he makes his blunder.

We can only imagine the shock he must have had as he realized it wasn’t his mom and kind of wish there was a photo of that moment of realization, too.
Hands Up
We don’t think this is the best mannequin to display children’s clothes. Or any clothes for that matter. With their hand in their pants, we cannot help but wonder why they have that creepy look on their face.

This mannequin is sure to confuse many shoppers as they try to understand why any store would display it this way, especially in the children’s section!
Customers would have to get a second look at this mannequin to see that it is only a shadow casting a mustache onto her face. Donning a summer outfit and some groovy shades, the mustache seems very out of place.

Actually, she looks pretty cool with her facial hair. However, we wonder why no one else has noticed this blunder and moved the poor girl to a different position where she will be mustache-free.
It’s a Sim!
Christmas decorations in this store made this mannequins look like life-size Sim! For those not familiar with these characters, they are based on a role-playing computer game in which you control every aspect of a person’s life.

It would be eerie to see these in a store and have you wondering if you were sucked into the game itself! But, at least she’s dressed super-stylishly!
Skinny Guy in a Polo Shirt
This mannequin is on the slender side, with his stick-like arms and protruding shoulders. This is definitely not the most flattering look, leading us to ask why this shop would use these mannequins to display the classic polo shirt.

To be fair to the store, this mannequin is based on those little modular art models that can be moved into all sorts of fun positions to help the artist draw different poses. Maybe they were just trying to give a bit of an artistic flare to their clothes?
Mind Blown!
At first glance, this looks like something from MythBusters, but look closely, and you will see it is only a few glass beads that make this mannequin look like her head has come off.

Not our first choice for styling a mannequin wearing an elegant ball gown, but we can at least give the store props for matching the beads to the color of the dress.
Just Try it On
Another relatable mannequin for parents of teens, this one is clearly not pleased with having to wear these clothes. Is the color wrong? Is it not their style? Or are they trying it on just to make their mom happy?

Whatever the reason, we have all seen this look on our teens at one point or another. Amazingly, this stare is as irritating on a mannequin as it is on a teenager. Wow.
Dad Bods, Unite!
Dads can safely shop at this store with its mannequins showing off their bellies. It’s always good to see what an outfit looks like on a more realistic body, and this mannequin does exactly that.

Pouchy men unite and head down to this store to get just the right fit for your physique, no matter how rounded your belly may be! Because it’s clear that this store embraces all body types.
Beware the Creepy Mannequin
This mannequin is rather spooky and looks like it will come to life at any second! Most likely related to the famous0 doll, Chucky, we wouldn’t be surprised if this mannequin was caught on security cameras running around the store with her friends at night.

Who makes these? And more importantly, who is responsible for buying these for a store? Whoever they are, they should really reevaluate the message that they are trying to send with the way they style their mannequins.
Hate It
This poor mannequin is clearly not happy about the dress she is wearing. Perhaps she wanted to wear that dark blue dress, instead?

We will never know why she is so upset, but we would definitely not want to display this in a store window. Hopefully, store employees realized their mistake before they chased any customers away.
And Streeeeeetch!
This mannequin shows just how comfortable these pants are as he does a squat. Versatility in clothing is always great, and what more could you possibly want from a pair of pants that looks like they can go from the office to the gym?

Whatever the reason for this awful display, we do hope that no one actually goes to the gym in these. But, it does leave us wondering why they chose this pose for these pants… How peculiar!
Googly Eyes!
We’re not sure if this was just a prank by a witty customer or if store employees were behind this googly-eyed babe.

No matter the reason, it looks creepy and belongs in a haunted house and not in a top-end store like Zara. Scrap the googly eyes! It’s giving us the heebie-jeebies!
What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
This poor mannequin definitely had her sights set on Victoria’s Secret. However, it seems like she ended up somewhere very different, and she’s not happy about it.

If this mannequin looks this unhappy in her flirty outfit, we definitely don’t want it — no matter how alluring it might seem. Back to the granny panties, we guess.
Excitement Over an Outfit
We bet you’ve never seen anyone so excited about an outfit before! From that figure-hugging turtleneck to the gray pants, this mannequin loves the choice of clothes the store employees picked out for him.

Add in a cap and a parka, and this guy is ready for a ball game! It kind of makes you want to buy that outfit just to see if you, too, can experience that much happiness from clothing.
A body of dolls
Just what was the store owner thinking by displaying this odd mannequin in their store? While being transparent with your customers is always a good thing, we’re not too sure the owner understood the assignment.

Hopefully, they are being used by a designer store selling funky clothes because this is the only place that these mannequins would fit in.
Headless Children… Again
What is it with stores using headless mannequins to display clothes? The Gap used headless mannequins in their window display, but these headless creations are even worse as they hang from the ceiling like a creepy ritual.

All this display does is give us the creeps! We doubt they will sell much in this store when people are too scared of the display to even come in.
Interpative Dance
Who doesn’t love to dance like nobody’s watching? This mannequin certainly doesn’t have an issue with that — it’s fully willing to strut its stuff center stage!

We bet he’s a real diva during dance rehearsals — and just as much of a drama queen when he’s trying to sell clothes. But, until then — five, six, seven, eight!
Tired, but Make it Fashion
Don’t we all wish we could sleep on the job without getting into trouble? We sure do! This mannequin seems to have found the perfect gig for just that.

Boy, is he pulling it off, too! That is one supermodel mannequin that clearly knows how to strike a pose, even while crawling on the ground!
The Teenage Mannequin
Parents of teens are familiar with this pose, most often displayed when you ask your child to do something. Usually combined with muttering and eye rolls, this store went out of its way to help make parents feel comfortable as they shop for clothes.

Thanks to these guys, Mom or Dad no longer has to drag their teen to the shop to get the eye rolls as this mannequin will make them feel right at home.
Various stores and boutiques use mannequins to display their clothing items. But, sometimes, you have to wonder what store employees were thinking when you look at the mannequins used and how they are styled. From the more “regular” mannequins to the completely outrageous, stores try to set themselves apart from the rest when displaying their clothing items and accessories. But, how far are stores willing to go to stand out, and do their mannequins actually influence their sales and profits? Let’s look at the most hilarious mannequin photos taken by customers in stores around the globe.