There’s No Need for Name-Calling
Clearly, this guy’s never seen a diapered baby get out of a swimming pool. In his theoretical world, what’s the pad even supposed to stick to? Or are women supposed to shower with their underwear on, as well? Maybe he thinks that pads somehow attach to women’s bodies?

Whatever his logic is, the name-calling is just rude! Without that, we’d have been happy to chalk this up to “Ok, he doesn’t know.” However, he not only doesn’t know, but he’s also unwilling to learn.
Okay, “Bro”
Ironically, this guy is in the minority when it comes to his knowledge of female anatomy. At least, we hope he’s the minority! This is a perfect example of how society’s beauty standards can actually skew how we view the human body.

We’ve all heard about how seeing people through Instagram filters all the time can mess with our minds. Well, apparently, seeing women with shaven armpits has confused this individual and he’s in for quite the shock!
Learning to Plan Ahead
Once again, the unearned confidence of straight men has completely amazed us. Not only is this man completely wrong but he’s being condescending to his classmate — about something he knows nothing of!

The scariest part is that he’s not even young enough for this misunderstanding — the guy was in college! Perhaps the woman he was mansplaining to should show him what her tampon looks like when she takes it out? Just for the sake of educating him, of course.
We Wish
This probably explains why so many women report feeling unsatisfied after intimacy. Apparently, there’s a decent number of men who think that putting literally anything into a woman can result in pleasure.

Do they think that “down there” is like a button and if pressed, satisfaction will occur? We’re sorry to say that it takes just a bit more effort than that. Surely men know this. After all, there’s no “magical button” for them, is there?
Women’s Non-Existant Superpower
Where is this guy getting his information, exactly? By this logic, women should be able to survive a typically fatal cut, as long as they’re on their period at the time. He can’t actually believe that?!

We just hope that he never tried this out on someone for the sake of proving his point. Although, that wouldn’t be the first time that someone got seriously hurt due to a man believing he knows everything.
“As a Guy…”
Ironically, this man sort of shot himself in the foot with the first three words of that sentence — “As a guy…” As a guy, he gets no opinion on this subject, whatsoever. How would he feel if that woman were to kick him in his privates and then say, “As a woman, I don’t believe that hurts.”

See, sometimes it’s okay not to share one’s thoughts. In fact, it could be better to just sit down, be quiet, and be grateful that you’ll never know.
A Hairy Situation
This guy’s post is really making us question how many cis women he knows, at all. We also find it interesting that he’s just diagnosing people with hormonal imbalances, over the internet, and something tells us that he doesn’t exactly have a medical degree.

What even prompted him to write this little PSA in the first place? Why’s he so concerned with women’s arm hair, and its origins? Is this something that people just sit around thinking about?
She’s 34, Not 64
Ah, the ignorance of youth. Remember when you were a teenager and you thought that 40 years old was basically one foot in the grave? Well, pair that with a lack of education about female anatomy and you get guys thinking that women go through menopause at 30.

We bet the poor kid didn’t even realize that she could still get pregnant! Being with an older woman has its benefits, but being able to neglect protection isn’t one of them.
So… a Blow-Up Doll?
Something tells us that these two men don’t get a whole lot of women. Why do they think it’s okay for them to have human bodily functions, but it’s not acceptable for women? This is a whole new level of double standard!

What they’re basically saying is that they want blow-up dolls rather than actual human people. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that — you do you — but at the very least, admit it.
Clearly, He’s Never Given One
These are the words of a man who has never satisfied a woman. No, we’re not being judgemental and mean, he’s literally admitting this himself! It seems that he’s unaware of how pleasure works and he clearly doesn’t care to learn.

Does he really think that just because a woman can’t be satisfied with him, that means she can’t be satisfied at all? Um, someone should tell him that women have toys that can be used in place of guys like him.
Literally, Never
Never — in the history of pap smears — has that happened. If it did, women would probably go a lot more often! Unfortunately, this guy seems unaware of what necessary evil pap smears are and it’s not just because they’re awkward.

At least he seems willing to listen and learn, that’s what’s most important. She can explain it to him this way — he probably likes getting kissed by someone he’s into but he doesn’t enjoy going to the dentist. Get it?
Women in Science
This pretty much sums up why we need more women in science. The fact that this teacher excluded an entire gender from participating in the class’s experiment — and for illogical reasons — just shows the type of issues women face.

If he really believed that’s how women get yeast infections, then he should’ve brought a different activity for the class to do, rather than excluding his female students. We hope someone at least complained to the school about this.
Women vs. Werewolves
Women can often come off like mythical creatures, but there are quite a few differences between human females and werewolves. For example, women actually exist! If he’s going to confuse all women everywhere for mythological creatures, he can at least make it flattering…

Perhaps confuse women with mermaids or unicorns, instead? Comparing women to werewolves, though, just isn’t the type of mix-up any female wants. This is what happens when girls talk about Mercury being in retrograde, in front of clueless men.
Biology Is… Innovative?
It seems like a bit of an odd word choice to describe an aspect of female anatomy as “innovative,” doesn’t it? Clearly, this guy is a bit confused as to what goes where. Does this guy believe that women have invented a device to enable this?

Or maybe he thinks that women’s bodies have evolved to accommodate tampons? We’re happy that this person is impressed with the female anatomy but he may need a different adjective for it.
A Classic Mix-Up
This guy seems to have confused yeast infections with a disease that one can get from intimacy. To clarify, even those aren’t a sign of having been with someone “disgusting,” as these things can simply happen sometimes.

However, even if someone is small-minded enough to think that diseases from intimacy are indicative of a person’s cleanliness as a human, they still can’t actually think that yeast infections mean someone has done something gross. Well, apparently, they can…
It Doesn’t Go That Far
Um, how far in does this guy think tampons go? Is he worried that the strings will come out of her mouth if she pushes it in too much? Don’t think it’s lost on us that he’s kind of shaming her for her preferred use of period products and her age.

It’s clear that this guy is freaked out by a girl using a tampon. It’s even more clear that it’s absolutely none of his business.
Can We See His Credentials?
Does this man seriously think that he knows better than this woman’s doctors? Does he actually believe that they messed up her hysterectomy and didn’t know what they were doing? Or does he think that this woman is just unaware of the surgery she received?

Like, she doesn’t even know what the doctors did to her body? We’re praying to all the gods that we’ll acquire this man’s level of unearned confidence! Wow!
Winning on a Technicality
This guy is so wrong that he’s somehow circled all the way back into being right. He’s technically, and only technically, correct — he won’t change his daughter’s diaper when she has her period. At least, we hope not!

Who knows, though, with how clueless this guy is about female anatomy. Hopefully, he’ll learn a thing or two before having kids. Although, if he’s grossed out by periods, wait till he sees the kind of stuff that comes out of babies’ bodies!
It Isn’t About You
We hate to burst this guy’s bubble, but not everything is about his package. Certainly, not everything related to female anatomy is defined by male anatomy. Does this guy seriously think that he’s going around altering women’s bodies as some sort of public service for well-endowed dudes?

Ah, the level of confidence it takes to think that the world revolves around your manhood! Something tells us that this is the type of guy who says “I’m gonna rock your world” before rolling over and falling asleep.
It’s Not a Geyser
Um, if this guy is so worried about bodily fluids getting sprayed about, then maybe he shouldn’t rent to men? We mean, they’re kind of known for doing that after a certain activity…

Truthfully, this seems like a very poor attempt to mask his misogyny for cleanliness. We don’t think anyone’s falling for it, though, as literally any person who’s ever lived with a woman while she’s menstruating knows that this just simply isn’t how it works.
They’re All Selfish?
We really hope that this guy doesn’t think that all women are just heartless creatures who don’t care about helping others. Or does he think that they all hoard the blood to do monthly rituals?

To be fair, he at least asked the question and was genuinely willing to hear the answer, unlike a lot of other guys on this list. As funny as this dude’s mistake was, we at least respect the fact that he’s trying to learn and do better.
Once Again: Women Aren’t Werewolves
The amount of men who confuse women for werewolves is pretty alarming! What else do they get mixed up? Are there a bunch of grown men walking around amongst society who truly believe in these mythical creatures?

Maybe they think horses are unicorns? Or Irish people are leprechauns? These are probably the same guys who think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows! Please excuse us while we facepalm our foreheads into oblivion.
Did He Really Believe That?
We’re kind of wondering if this guy really believed that or if he was just incredibly lazy and wanted an excuse for his girlfriend to put in the effort. If he was just being lazy, then that’s pretty short-sighted of him.

Hopefully, the girlfriend didn’t fall for it! We also hope that she went on to find someone else who’s got a bit more energy and/or has a better understanding of female anatomy.
Size Doesn’t Matter
Women often comfort men by saying “size doesn’t matter” so why do men think they can shame women over tampon size — which is a size that truly doesn’t matter!

To be clear, neither size is important, it’s all about what you do with it. But, the fact that this guy reacted with anger makes us question the size of his member. Even if tampon size were related to one’s width (which it isn’t), who is he to judge?
If this were true, it would be an absolute logistical nightmare! The OP was kind enough to explain this man’s confusion. What happened here was this guy’s girlfriend happened to get her period on the 15th.

Then, the guy heard a comedian say that he was scared of his girlfriend on the 15th of the month. Therefore, this dude came to the conclusion that every woman gets her period on the 15th. Apparently, he only knows of two women.
The fact that this guy is going to be a doctor one day absolutely terrifies us! At least he’s only pre-med, so there’s still time for him to learn. There seems to be a trend of men not wanting to believe that a period just isn’t a good time.

Why is that? According to an article published by Harvard Health, 70% of people who experience chronic pain are women. Yet, 80% of pain studies are conducted on men. Hmmm…
A Day of Reckoning
To clarify, it took 61 years for this man to figure out that he was dramatically misinformed! Do men think that all women’s bodies work according to the same set timeline?

He probably thinks that every woman everywhere just wakes up one day and they suddenly need a bra! Does he also think that all women who are trying to get pregnant succeed at the same time, on the same day? Really, where does this logic end?!
99% of the time, it’s incredibly frustrating when people don’t understand the basics of the female anatomy — especially when they think they get it and they believe they have the right to give their opinion no matter how incorrect it is.

However, this woman seems to have found a silver lining and she’s made her boyfriend’s ignorance work in her favor. Thanks, OP, for showing us that we can at least have some fun from this sucky situation!
Swimsuits With a Plug
Someone may want to tell this guy that male bodies have holes in them, too. Even his! Also, that’s not how any of this works. Not water, not the human body, none of it.

Is this what he thinks women are talking about when they complain that they’re bloated? Like, they just took a bath or something? We don’t even want to know what he thinks goes on there when a woman’s pregnant!
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
This guy thinks that fetuses basically live in the book Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs in which food simply falls out of the sky. So, does he think that when the baby’s born and the nurses take it to clean it up, they’re cleaning the food off the infant?

We get a teenage boy thinking this stuff but a grown man who’s about to have a child?! You’d think he’d try to learn what’s going on with his unborn kid in there!
Maybe the Baby’s Snorkeling?
Ah, once again — a baby daddy who doesn’t bother to learn anything about the life he’s creating. Expecting mothers need to learn this stuff so that they can properly care for the growing baby.

So, why aren’t soon-to-be fathers expected to learn it, too? That way, they can properly care for and support their baby mamas! Sure, they can’t have the baby growing inside them, but don’t they want to be involved in the process in any way they can?
A Perfect Fit
Wait, two men thought this?! If that’s where women held tampons, how would they stay put? Do these guys think that the lips act like muscles and can tense to hold it in place? Or do they think that women kind of just place it there and then try not to move?

As horrified as we are that not one — but two — grown men thought this is how tampons work, we can’t help that nagging feeling that they’re not the only ones who believe this…
Pregnancy 101
We can sort of forgive the confusion about ovulation since a lot of people are misinformed on that subject — including some women. However, we can’t forgive the attempt to excuse his lack of willingness to please his female partners.

The sheer amount of babies in the world is proof that a woman can get pregnant without being satisfied. We need people to stop using fear of pregnancy as a reason not to please their partners — and we need it now!
Hold it In
Okay, the next time a guy says this to you, here’s what you do — give him a little cut (just a small one, we’re not psychopaths here) and then tell him to “hold in” the bleeding till you can get a band-aid. That should do the trick!

Seriously, men know that human bodies can’t just “hold in” blood, so why do they think that it’s any different for periods? The worst part is that this man is actually giving his opinion about something that he’s completely ignorant of!
That’s a Little Much
While we greatly appreciate NASA’s effort, this just goes to show that even some of the most brilliant minds are complete idiots when it comes to female anatomy. Yet, average non-NASA-worthy men think that they have the right to say what a woman does with her body.

Oh, you think women are exaggerating how bad they have it? Yeah, okay — you’re not smarter than NASA, Chad, so maybe just sit down.
Why Not Just Bleach It?
We’re confused here, why was this man arguing with the OP? Surely, he’s not arrogant enough to think that he knows how to care for that body part better than someone who actually has that body part?! Then, he has the audacity to tell her what “clean” women do?!

How would he know? Something tells us that this dude isn’t getting any women — clean or not. Would you deep clean your privates for the sake of being with this guy? We wouldn’t!
Promoting a Vegan Lifestyle
Well, that’s certainly one way to promote a vegan lifestyle. It’s not a good way — but it’s a way. There are plenty of points vegans can argue to support their cause but menstruation just isn’t one of them.

Wait, so does this guy think that vegan women can’t get pregnant? Furthermore, one would think that a guy who’s so careful about what he eats would have a better understanding of the word “natural.”
That’s Not How it Works
Once again, we have a man who’s shaming women for doing perfectly normal, womanly things — just because he doesn’t get it. Wait till this guy finds out that many women take that pill and not even for pregnancy prevention.

Some girls who’ve never been intimate still take the pill for other reasons. Even if a woman is taking medication to prevent pregnancy, what does he care? If he’s so bothered, he just shouldn’t be intimate with them. We’re sure the women of the world will survive that loss.
No One’s Eyes Are That Good
We sincerely hope that he was using the word “eyes” as code for a different body part because that’s the only way this would work. So, what does this guy think happens if a woman is just walking around and happens to make eye contact with a stranger on the street?

Actually, that’s kind of the plot of a lot of adult films, isn’t it? We’re starting to see where the misinformation is coming from…
Do Better
Honestly, this situation sounds kind of traumatizing for a little girl. Her dad should’ve done better and tried to learn more about what his daughter’s body would be going through. Let’s just hope that he stepped it up after that…

While men’s confusion about women’s bodies can be funny, at times, we need to remember that it’s also dangerous. There are men who have authority over women and they literally don’t know what they’re talking about!
Problem Solved
Oh wow, where do we even begin? First of all, that’s not how any of that works. Second, if this guy is so convinced that’s how it works, why not have him drink some pee so it can travel down and kill those baby-making ingredients before they ever get to the woman?

Also, women don’t “sacrifice” their good looks by getting pregnant — moms are beautiful. Let’s make sure to inform lawmakers, though, this guy’s found a “convenient” way to prevent pregnancy! If only women weren’t so darn uppity about it!
It’s Infected Us All!
If cellulite were an infection, why wouldn’t there be antibiotics for it? Also, it’d be an infection that literally every adult woman gets at some point. That’s like calling turning 40 a disease. We’re kind of disappointed with the original question, too…

Why would a decent guy think anything of cellulite? It’s a normal part of the body! Do women sit there and contemplate how they feel about a guy’s patchy beard? No! Also, don’t tell this dude but men can get cellulite, too.
What Milk?
What do men think women do all day? Do they think ladies’ mornings start with them pumping milk into their morning coffee? Then, they go to mommy groups where they all pass around their babies so the moms can take turns feeding each child?

Perhaps, after that, women go to the grocery store and laugh at all the men who need to purchase milk cartons. Yup, that’s a typical day in the life of an average woman.
Playing the Victim
This is what happens when you’re desperate to be seen as a victim. This dude is so offended, we wonder what he’ll do to fight the matriarchy? Maybe he’ll start a Men’s March in which he fights for the right to take his junk out at work?

Or he’ll create a hashtag #UsToo in which men who harass women complain about getting the cops called on them. There’s so much that can be done to defend men’s rights to oppress women and this guy is ready to lead the charge!
Lemon Juice?!?!
Ladies, please do not put lemon juice in your nether regions — that sounds incredibly painful! We don’t even want to know how lemon juice is relevant to this discussion. Since when is lemon juice known for making things tighter?

Also, who is this guy to judge or comment on the size of this woman’s privates? Is “blown out” the professional term amongst idiot guys? Are this dude’s personal parts absolutely perfect? We highly doubt it!
Maybe It’s Just Her
Look, we’re not saying that no woman would ever want this but the OP really shouldn’t generalize off an experience he’s had with one specific person. We’re not even convinced that he’s had said experience, though. He may just be assuming that this is what pregnant women want.

Either way, we know plenty of ladies who are completely uninterested in fitting that much into their bodies. When in doubt, or even when not in doubt — just ask.
What Kind of Plane Is That?!
Um, what kind of planes is this guy flying on and where can we purchase tickets?! No, sorry, but that’s not how any of that works. This is the same logic as men who have issues with women driving…

So, what’s this dude’s rationale? Sorry, but you’ll have to excuse us — we’re gonna go try to find this secret airplane that has adult pleasure toys strapped to the seats.
Free Implants
Even if someone were to fall for this, we don’t think needing to suffer through intimacy with this guy would be worth the free implants. Truthfully, we’d rather pay for surgery and go into debt than have to spend time with this dude.

It’s unclear if he’s actually that ignorant about female anatomy, or if he knows he’s wrong and he’s just trying to trick women into being with him. Either way, we think we’ll pass.
What’s That on the Floor?
Ah yes, that awkward moment when you’re reaching middle age, you’re walking down the street and suddenly you hear a “plop.” You look down and see that it’s happened — your uterus has fallen onto the ground. Onlookers are concerned but you calmly explain to them, “Don’t worry, I’m in my 50s.”

Reassured, everyone goes back to what they were doing. You pick up your uterus and throw it in the trash. You can now rest assured that you’ve just successfully gone through menopause.
That’s Where They Store Lipstick
Of course, women have fewer ribs to make space for when their purse is too full. This is why moms always seem to have extra snacks on hand for their kids.

The only logical thought here is that he’s confusing male and female anatomy with the story of Adam and Eve and how she was taken from his rib. In which case, wouldn’t men be the ones with one less rib? Yeah, sorry — we can’t follow this dude’s thought process!
This Says a Lot About Him
Um, we’re pretty sure that this guy has accidentally revealed the size of his member. While all genders would probably be happy if this were true, unfortunately, it isn’t.

What is true, though, is that many women are willing to gag every now and then for the sake of pleasing those they’re intimate with. That, folks, is definitive proof that being queer is not a choice! If it was, there wouldn’t be a straight woman in the world!
It’s Not Dirty
The amount of men who think that women’s private parts are inherently “dirty” is truly starting to worry us. Why would he think that women have to get an annual cleaning down there but men don’t?

This is the same type of logic that puts the responsibility for unplanned pregnancies solely on women’s shoulders. Somehow, men seem to get to enjoy all the perks of intimacy while women are stuck with all the stigmas around it.
So… Is it an Imaginary Baby?
Let us get this straight, a man is telling a woman that she doesn’t understand female anatomy? Not only that, but a man who’s never had any relation to a c-section is telling a woman who was born by c-section that she doesn’t understand the subject?

Well, it looks like we have the winner of this year’s Mansplaining Award! Our favorite part is how he responded by getting mad instead of trying to learn. He’s truly every aspiring mansplainer’s role model!
That’d Be Nice
We genuinely wish that this one was true — that’d be a lot easier to deal with than an actual period! Has this guy never even met a woman before, like, ever? This is what happens when women are taught to be ashamed of their periods and be all hush-hush about them.

We end up with a world full of well-meaning individuals who really just don’t get it. Let’s normalize talking about our periods amongst men and women because it’s truly nothing to be embarrassed about.
Humans Would Go Extinct
If this were true, there’d be only, like, seven people! This seems like something that men came up with so they wouldn’t have to bother worrying about a woman’s pleasure during intimacy. We’re not sure which is worse — someone actually being misinformed enough to believe this?

Or someone knowing it isn’t true but trying to get out of caring for their partner? We kind of don’t want to know, after all, ignorance is bliss! Speaking of bliss… stop coming up with stupid excuses not to give your partners any!
Anatomy is extremely complex and it’s tough to know what’s going on with a body that isn’t yours. Therefore, we can understand if there are some basic details about womanhood that men simply don’t know. However, these particular social media posts really make us question if these guys have ever even seen a woman before! Read the most baffling and hilarious things that these dudes actually believe about women’s bodies.